HENm | HENm mobile | HENm Table
HENm is a desktop model that autonomously supplies medical technicians with the necessary items for a phlebotomy procedure. This includes selecting the appropriate tubes for specific tests, attaching specimen labels, providing additional labels, and patient identification labels. This automated process is driven by the phlebotomy information stored in the Hospital Information System (HIS).
– Tube Selection
– Automated barcode labeling
– Elimination of human errors associated with manual operations
– Streamlined and efficient blood collection process
HENm | HENm mobile | HENm Table
HENm is a desktop model that autonomously supplies medical technicians with the necessary items for a phlebotomy procedure. This includes selecting the appropriate tubes for specific tests, attaching specimen labels, providing additional labels, and patient identification labels. This automated process is driven by the phlebotomy information stored in the Hospital Information System (HIS).
– Tube Selection
– Automated barcode labeling
– Elimination of human errors associated with manual operations
– Streamlined and efficient blood collection process
Option 1
HENm automatically provides medical technicians with essential items required for a phlebotomy (tubes with specimen labels attached, specimen labels and patient identification labels) based on the phlebotomy information recorded in the HIS (Hospital Information System).
Option 1
HENm automatically provides medical technicians with essential items required for a phlebotomy (tubes with specimen labels attached, specimen labels and patient identification labels) based on the phlebotomy information recorded in the HIS (Hospital Information System).
Option 2
HENm Mobile is a mobile variant of the HENm blood collection system, designed to enable blood collection staff to move freely and efficiently conduct blood collection tasks. With HENm Mobile, healthcare professionals can easily transport the necessary equipment and conduct blood collection procedures with enhanced mobility and convenience.
13 Hours Battery
It can be used up to 13 hours when fully charged.
Roller Mixer
Prevents blood clotting by evenly mixing the blood within the blood collection tube.
Polyurethane Wheels
Five polyurethane wheels reduce noise during movement and moves smoothly.
Option 2
HENm Mobile is a mobile variant of the HENm blood collection system, designed to enable blood collection staff to move freely and efficiently conduct blood collection tasks. With HENm Mobile, healthcare professionals can easily transport the necessary equipment and conduct blood collection procedures with enhanced mobility and convenience.
13 Hours Battery
It can be used up to 13 hours when fully charged.
Roller Mixer
Prevents blood clotting by evenly mixing the blood within the blood collection tube.
Polyurethane Wheels
Five polyurethane wheels reduce noise during movement and moves smoothly.
Option 3
HENm Table is a specialized workstation designed to enhance the efficiency and convenience of blood collection procedures performed by clinical pathologists. Once the blood collection process using HENm is completed, the specimen-containing tube can be easily and securely transferred to the laboratory sample receiving area using HENm Table.
Upto 6 HENm tables can be connected